Leadership Skills for Non-Managers 2

Leadership Skills for Non-Managers 2 is an advanced one-day program that builds upon the foundational concepts introduced in the first session. This workshop explores how participants can leverage their communication skills, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness to effectively influence and inspire co-workers, even without formal authority. By cultivating confidence and mastering these skills, participants can maximize cooperation and foster positive relationships in the face of adversity or conflict. The workshop will delve deeper into the art of leading others without direct power, refining the leadership skills acquired in the previous session and providing additional tools to create a positive impact on workplace dynamics. By utilizing these techniques, participants can enhance their work experience and contribute to the collective success of their team.

Target Audience:

Participants who have completed the Leadership Skills for Non-Managers workshop and wish to further enhance their leadership skills.

Professionals in non-managerial roles seeking to refine their abilities to influence and inspire co-workers.

Individuals looking to create a positive impact on workplace dynamics and team performance.